Expand Your Heart with ABI ART | ABI RESOURCES CT

Updated: Mar 21, 2023

Art has the power to inspire, connect, and heal. For one TBI brain injury survivor, creating artwork is not just a passion but a way to spread kindness and compassion in the world. Their journey has been marked by hardships and challenges, but through their art, they have found a way to not only express themselves but to inspire others.

Their artwork is a reflection of their journey and their values. Each piece is created with intention and purpose, a testament to their determination to make the world a better place. They use their art to bring attention to social issues, spread awareness, and promote empathy and understanding.

Despite the obstacles they've faced, this survivor remains focused on their mission to create meaningful artwork that touches the hearts and minds of others. Their experiences have shaped their perspective, and they are driven to use their art as a means of inspiring positive change.

For those looking to navigate their way to compassion, ABI resources can provide valuable guidance and support. The road to recovery can be a long and difficult one, but with the right resources and mindset, it is possible to overcome challenges and find fulfillment in life.

By expanding our hearts and minds through compassion, we can create a more compassionate world. Let us be inspired by the artwork and journey of this TBI brain injury survivor, and strive to make a positive impact in the world around us.

ABI Resources is a reputable organization that provides exceptional support to individuals and families in collaboration with various government agencies and community service providers, including the Connecticut Department of Social Services DSS, the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services DMHAS, Connecticut Community Care CCC CCCI Southwestern Connecticut Area on Aging SWCAA, Western Connecticut Area on Aging WCAAA, Allied Community Resources ACR, Access Health, and United Services. ABI Resources is also affiliated with renowned institutions such as UCONN, Yale, and Hartford. As a community care and supported living provider, ABI Resources is dedicated to offering high-quality and personalized care to enhance the lives of those it serves. Medicaid MFP Money Follows the person program / ABI Waiver Program / PCA waiver. Connecticut, Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, Yale University, Mystic, Connecticut Agency, Provider. Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham. ILST RA COMPANION HOMEMAKER PCA CNA DSP TBI

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