The majority of Connecticut ABI Waiver Programs are Waiver 1. Connecticut developed the Waiver 2 Program to provide new services, and stopped new enrollment for the ABI Waiver 1. People receiving the benefits of Waiver 1 have been grandfathered into all of the benefits of Waiver 1. They may switch to Connecticut Waiver 2 if they wish, but most people are happy to have been grandfathered into their Waiver 1 Program services.
The most common reason families wish for Waiver 1 is the role of their Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and Service Care Plans.
On Waiver 1, Service Care Plans are created and dictated by their CBT Cognitive behavioral Therapist. CBTs assess the needs of the individual and create the Service Care Plans. They decide what services are needed and when they will be implemented. Service Hours like Companion and ILST are directed by the CBT. On Waiver 2, Service Types and and Hours are assessed and directed by the Case Manager.
Which one do you need?
What one are you currently on?
What is the difference between Waiver 1 and Waiver 2?
The ABI WAIVER PROGRAM was created to help people living with brain injuries recover and live outside of institutional settings. People living with brain injuries deserve to choose who they share time with and where they live. The program was created to protect the civil rights of people recovering.
“ABI Waiver Program”
The MEDICAID -Acquired Brain Injury Waiver Program
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What services are available under the ABI waiver?
There are 19 services available under the ABI waiver. Some services may not be accessed in conjunction with other services.
Case management- assistance to the individual in implementing and coordinating all sources of support and services to the waiver participant.
The Following is a list of ABI Waiver Program services;
Chore Services- services needed to maintain the participant’s home in a sanitary and safe condition.
Cognitive/Behavioral Programs- individualized programs to decrease severe maladaptive behaviors that would jeopardize the participant’s ability to remain in the community.
Community Living Support Services- supervised living in a community residential setting which provides up to 24 hour support services. Services may include medication management, self care, interpersonal skills, etc.
Companion Services- non-medical care, supervision, and socialization services that have a therapeutic goal as noted in the participant’s services primary mode of transportation to avoid institutionalization.n.
Environmental Accessibility Adaptations- physical adaptations to the participant’s home to ensure the participant’s health and safety, and to promote independence. Services may include ramp installation, bathroom modifications, doorway widening, etc.
Family Training- training and counseling for individuals who live with or provide care to the waiver participant.
Habilitation- services provided outside the participant’s home, to assist the participant with obtaining or enhancing adaptive, socialization, and self-help skills to live successfully in the community.
Pre-Vocational Services- services designed to prepare the participant for employment when the participant is not expected to be able to work, or participate in a transitional work program, within 1 year.
Supported Employment Services- Paid employment with intensive supports provided in a variety of settings, for participants unlikely to secure competitive employment.
Homemaker Services- General household activities including meal preparation, vacuuming, etc.
Home Delivered Meals- Meals delivered to the participant when the person responsible is unable to do so.
Independent Living Skills Training- Services designed and delivered on an independent or a group basis to improve the participant’s ability to live independently in the community. Services may include training in self care, medication management, mobility, etc.
Personal Care Assistance- Assistance with activities of daily living. These services may be provided by a family member of the participant if they meet the training requirements established by DSS.
Personal Emergency Response Systems- Electronic Devices that enables individuals at a high risk for institutionalization to obtain help in an emergency.
Respite Care- To provide short-term assistance to the participant if a caretaker is absent or in need of relief.
Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies- As specified in the participant’s service plan that will enable the individual to perform activities of daily living.
Substance Abuse Programs-Interventions to reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol or drugs by the participant.
Transitional Living Services -Individualized, short-term, residential services providing up to 24 hour support provided only once in the participant’s lifetime.
Transportation-Mobility services offered after exhaustion of all other resources.
Vehicle Modification Services
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